English. Present continuous: soluciones

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Now , complete What are they doing?

  • Anna: She is / She´s ( se escoge una de las dos, no se ponen las dos)doing her homework.
  • Jack: He´s playing computer games
  • Mum: She´s writing an e-mail.
  • Dad: He´s watching tv.
  • Susie: She´s reading a comic.
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Answer the questions: Yes, she/he is; No, she/he isn´t.
  • Is mum making dinner? No, she isn´t
  • Is Jack doing homework? No, he isn´t
  • Is dad watching tv? Yes, he is.
  • Is Susie listening to music? No, she isn´t
  • Is Anna studying? Yes, she is.

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Pongo aquí la actividad aunque no la hayáis hecho.

3. Find and correct the mistake.
-         She visiting her grandma
-         They´re draw a beautiful picture.

Find and correct the mistake.

-    -     She visiting her grandma
 She is visiting her grandma
-       - They´re draw a beautiful picture.
 They´re drawing a beautiful picture.

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2 comentarios:

javier5ºa dijo...

lali el ejercicio 3 de ingles para correjir creo que no estaba en los deveres

Lali dijo...

Javier, tienes razón. He incluído la actividad para que la hagáis.
Por cierto, cuida esa ortografía, please.

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