English. Comparativos y superlativos

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Vamos a recordar hoy cómo se formaba el superlativo y luego trabajaremos el comparativo y el superlativo.

Para entenderlo mejor os podéis ayudar de este vídeo.

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At the zoo

Hi! My name is James.Yesterday I went to the zoo with my classmates. Lucy, Sue and Tom are my best friends. Tom is taller than me and he is the youngest. Lucy is older than Sue, and she is the shortest.

At the zoo we saw zebras and giraffes. Giraffes are the tallest animals in the zoo and in the world! We saw elephants, they are the biggest.

There were monkeys and lions. Monkeys are smaller than lions, but monkeys were the funniest.

It was a fantastic day.

1. Now answer:

· Where did James go yesterday?

· Who are his best friends?

· Who is the youngest?

· Which are the biggest animals in the zoo? And the tallest?

· Are the monkeys bored?

2. Write true/false

- Tom is taller than James._____

- Sue is older than Lucy._____

- Lions are bigger than monkeys. _____

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